Confession...I've never liked photographing green. Period. And I like to play with my food. Guilty as charged.
When I moved to Canada, we brought with us less than five cookbooks and a few magazines. One of those was a Donna Hay magazine that had a series of recipes that used green and black. I loved the colour palette the minute I laid my eyes on it.
This past January during my time off, I did a series with this colour palette. It was really fun to think about subjects that would work for this theme, but would also be unique and creative.
I think this series sums up how I feel in the wintertime. By the end of the winter season, it gets a little dark here in Vancouver. But there is hope and new life waiting and ready.
I'm ready for the sun to shine on my face and to take my daily walks being inspired by how the light dances in my surrounding. It's all in the light.
I love the way the light and shadows are playing on the vanilla frosting petals.
Food really is art! It's a taste of the bountiful seasons to come. Just close your eyes and imagine...