Floral Lilac Dessert Photo Series

Early in my photography journey, I realised that adding flowers to my photos made my photos prettier. Even when my photo had poor composition or lighting.⁠⁠ I didn't want to rely on pretty things as a crutch to make my photos look good.


I wanted to master each food for what it is. So I told myself I couldn't use flowers in my work.⁠⁠ This limiting belief about my work was no longer serving me.

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This shoot was to help me see a different way to think about how I use florals in my work. I love how these lilac flowers have white edges. It's so visually interesting.

Not long after the⁠ Blueberry Lilac Cheesecake concept, once I had this colour in my instagram feed, I had a client reach out and we worked on a concept focused on hues of this very same Lilac colour! 

Isn't it funny how these things happen?⁠

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Homemade Wonton Soup

I made these wontons from scratch after reading the Food Styling Chapter in Joanie Simon book Picture Perfect Food’. 

I've been implementing Joanie's tips for styling soup. She recommends, to avoid those pesky soup lines, to only fill a small of liquid into the bowl before you move it to set. Once you’re happy with the styling and placement, add the remaining liquid. No soup lines to distract the viewer. The soup will look freshly poured. 

You’re in for a real treat if you pick up a copy!

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