I love the satsuma season and when our place smells all things citrus!
The first series I shot on Satsumas. I love these photos. Especially the portrait of the fruit bursting open like a flower. POW!
So during satsumas season, I bought more fresh satsumas. My thought..to do another shoot. But I didn't like the new images. I felt they weren't as good as the original ones.
I wondered if I should mess with a good thing? To play with it, to better it, or just to enjoy?
I decided, in the end, not to redo my Satsuma portrait. I love the original and the meaning it holds for me.
While I could create a more technically perfect shot now, when I look at it I see the artist I was at that point.
@kmurrayphoto gave me food for thought when she said to “create something related that could play alongside this star” image.
So here’s just that. A mix of me as an artist spanning three years… Hope you love these gorgeous orange colours as much as I do.